New heights in the field of shipbuilding in Turkmenistan

A meeting was held at the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency between representatives of the Agency and the management of the Dutch company Royal IHC. The meeting focused on the topic of dredging the internal routes, seas and rivers of Turkmenistan, which is a pressing issue for the country, which was previously discussed at a high-level meeting in Brussels.

During the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues related to the joint construction of dredgers. A representative of the Agency informed the guests about the presence of a shipbuilding yard at the «Deryayollary» JSC enterprise, which is subject to modernization, as well as the possibility of constructing dredgers.

At the end of the meeting, the Royal IHC delegation visited the «Balkan» shipbuilding and repairing yard, where they got acquainted with the shipbuilding industry of Turkmenistan. The guests examined each workshop of the enterprise in detail and expressed admiration for the modern technologies and innovations of the shipyard.

As part of the visit, a representative of the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency and representatives of Royal IHC made a working trip to Lebap velayat to study the issue of constructing a dredger at the «Deryayollary» enterprise.

Royal IHC, founded in 1642, is a world leader in construction of dredging vessels and design of dredgers. Currently, more than 90 dredgers of this company are used in Turkmenistan.

It is worth noting that during a working visit to the Netherlands, the Deputy of General Director of the «Balkan» shipbuilding and repairing yard held a number of meetings with the management of Royal IHC regarding the construction of dredgers.

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